The Mariana Hollow - Coma Heart

CD Info
Self Released / United Kingdom
7 Tracks
English Lyrics
The British music scene has always been an interesting one, and a number of female fronted bands have been popping up lately. Among them is The Mariana Hollow from London, delivering a unique brand of alternative metal with a classic rock vibe, a progressive touch, and a melancholy atmosphere. Their debut album, Coma Heart, contains seven great quality tracks and comes out through Plastic Head Distribution this July (although the tracks are already available on iTunes, even in the US!)
Bands in the female fronted metal scene generally have operatic or classically trained vocalists, and even if not, the vocals are usually somewhat high pitched. Not that this is a bad thing, but it’s nice to get away from that every once in a while. The Mariana Hollow is fronted by Rebecca Spinks, who sings in a deeper tone throughout the album than most female vocalists, although she easily switches between a deeper melancholy, sometimes angry, tone and a higher, airier voice, a welcome combination. A bit of a breath of fresh air, really.
Now down to the songs themselves. If there’s one thing this band knows a thing or two about, it’s songwriting. Catchy and powerful choruses shine through on tracks like "Come Undone," "Enemy Lines," "Paper Plane," and the closer "As The Dust Settle," while great guitar work by guitarists Danny Russell and Richie Walden can be found on every track. This is a completely guitar-driven album, another thing that sets this band apart in a scene crowded with symphonic metal acts. Bassist Scott Chesworth and drummer Adam Stanley do a great job as well.
My one criticism (and this is just me being picky) is that this album needs a few more uptempo tracks. "Come Undone" is a song that can get you rocking out in no time, and "As The Dust Settles" changes between slow and uptempo, but the rest are a bit slower, focusing more on the darker melodies. It might be nice to hear a few more songs that can get you excited about listening to this record and ones that would probably be great live songs. Otherwise, my only other complaint is that it’s too short. An album should be like a meal: just the right amount to satisfy and not leaving the diner wanting more. This album ends too soon, so a few more tracks might’ve been a worthy addition. Again, I’m just being picky. There’s really nothing truly wrong with this release, and I definitely look forward to hearing more from this band.
Standout tracks include "Come Undone," "Enemy Lines," "Paper Plane," and "As The Dust Settles."
8 / 10