Within Temptation - Acoustic Night at the Theatre

CD Info
Roadrunner Records/Gun Records
12 Tracks
English Lyrics
Within Temptation certainly knows how to spoil their fans. The hugely popular Dutch symphonic metal band has put out more releases than we can remember: Three or four singles to support each studio album, three DVDs paired with live CDs… and I bet there are one or two more that have slipped my mind. Now Within Temptation has released yet another live album, "An Acoustic Night at the Theatre." This one is starkly different from anything else Within Temptation has done in the past, however. And that’s why it’s such a treat.
"An Acoustic Night at the Theatre" was recorded in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, during Within Temptation’s Theatre Tour in November 2008. This tour was not a typical Within Temptation tour. Instead of the usual electric guitar / metal arrangements, the band performed acoustic versions of several of their songs, accompanied by the Red Limo String Quartet. The result is quite satisfying. Listeners become acquainted with the band’s gentler side, which is just as enjoyable as the heavy theatrics we are used to hearing from Sharon den Adel and company. Unfortunately, without a DVD we can’t experience the lighting, stage set, and overall ambiance of the Theatre Tour. As I said, though, Within Temptation has spoiled their fans. We can’t get a DVD every time, and "Acoustic Night" the album is pleasant enough on its own.
What’s great about acoustic arrangements is that they offer a brand new way to experience a familiar song. For example, "Caged" on the "Mother Earth" album is a grand and tormented ballad with a choir, violins, and a Celtic flute. On "Acoustic Night," the pain of "Caged" is still palpable, but musically it’s more tender and delicate, a whispered plea instead of a scream for help. Sharon still sings this song with some of those lower, Kate Bush-like vocals from the "Mother Earth" era. "Frozen" also works well in this setting. In fact, it sounds better in this intimate manner than it does as a majestic power ballad. The crunching mid-tempo tracks "What Have You Done" and "Stand My Ground" also translate well acoustically.
Most of the other songs on "Acoustic Night" didn’t require a big leap to go from "electric" to acoustic. "Memories" sounds very much like its original version but with some subtle differences. The show opener is an interesting choice: "Towards the End," one of the b-sides from "The Silent Force." It’s not of Within Temptation’s most well-known songs, but its majestic "Lord of the Rings" tone and battle drum ending will surely send shivers down your spine.
By this point, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve mentioned mostly ballads. That’s because the majority of "Acoustic Night" is ballads. This makes some sense; Within Temptation’s more uptempo or complex songs might have been more difficult to arrange for an acoustic setting. Yet, a few more surprises or better song choices would have been nice. The new versions of "Pale" and "All I Need" aren’t any more interesting than their humdrum studio versions are. As for "Somewhere" (with a playback of Anneke van Giersbergen’s vocals) and "Forgiven," they sound exactly like the acoustic versions found on the "Black Symphony" DVD. I almost forgot which album I was listening to the first time I heard both tracks.
Now, we can’t talk about "Acoustic Night" without mentioning its single "Utopia." This acoustic duet with British singer Chris Jones fits this album like a glove. Its band arrangements are simple, allowing the orchestral backdrop and poignant lyrics to shine through. Chris Jones is a good choice for a duet partner, too. His voice is gravelly like that of Keith Caputo ("What Have You Done"), with an unassuming quality that makes him perfect for this song. What I don’t understand, though, is how "Utopia" has singlehandedly divided fans like a rift in the earth. Some fans even swear that this song is the band’s "point of no return" from mainstream music. To be perfectly honest, any normal Within Temptation track would sound out of place on "Acoustic Night." "Utopia," however, is an acoustic ballad that is part of an acoustic album – a song specifically tailored to serve the purpose of a unique album. It’s not meant to indicate a change in the band’s musical style. So there is no reason for fans to be alarmed.
On the contrary, Within Temptation fans should consider themselves lucky. We may be talking about one of female-fronted metal’s biggest names, but Within Temptation is also one of those bands whose members aren’t afraid to offer something special or different once in a while. "An Acoustic Night in the Theatre" is another of those offerings. It’s more low-key and cozy than "Black Symphony" or any of Within Temptation’s studio albums – and it’s equally as pleasing. It’s also the perfect holdover while fans wait for the next Within Temptation album, due out next fall. When that time comes, the band will return to the bombastic metal road it’s been traveling for years and prove all the naysayers wrong.
Within Temptation has scheduled a second Theatre Tour this coming spring in Belgium and the Netherlands. Go to http://www.within-temptation.com/ for details.
8 / 10